Tuesday, August 3, 2010

VBS Day One

The first day of VBS was crazy. There were 54 children and over 20 mothers who stayed with them. We spent the morning singing songs, playing games, learning english and doing crafts. The Bible lessons this year will follow a brief journey of the life of Paul. Today Kai spoke on Paul's conversion. Our craft was to make binoculars. The idea is that you can see better with the binoculars and Paul could see better after his eyes were opened by Ananias. (It is a stretch but it works). After the children sufficiently wore us out, they went home and we began preparing for day 2 (which you can read about in the next post).

I also changed home-stay families on Monday. I am now staying with the Shimobe family. They are a rare find in Japan - a fully christian family. Mr. Shimobe works for a japanese Christian publication company. The hours are long and do not pay much but he and his wife see the financial sacrifice as a means to help encourage the Japanese believers and reach the lost in Japan. They have two daughters who are attending the VBS program at church.

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