Friday, July 30, 2010

Camp day 2 and 3

The second and third day of camp went well. The youth spent the mornings in English lessons and the afternoon doing activities which mostly involved water. I devised a way to have a tug-o-war in the pool using two rafts and a rope. The students had to paddle with their hands and pull the opposing team across the goal line. The object was to get the youth so tired that they would sleep at night as opposed to staying up playing games. It worked so well that I had to wake the boys in my room or they would sleep through breakfast.

The third day we went rafting and had a campfire that evening. At the campfire the students shared what they learned in chapel time and what impressed them most about camp. Many of the students gave very favorable responses and some even expressed interest in learning more about Jesus. One of the girls who went to camp also attends the church in Tachikawa. She had only attended when her parents absolutely made her go but at the camp she expressed regret for wasting the opportunity to learn more about God. She came to church on her own on the following Sunday.

One of the students who was already Christian decided that he wanted to help work at the camp when he graduates high school. This is a great blessing as the camp is always in need of Japanese nationals to help out. Please pray that God will provide workers for the camp at Okutama.

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