Thursday, August 5, 2010

VBS Day 2

Today we had less children due to the weather. If the weather is bad there tends to be more children but on days that the sun is shining, the swimming pool wins. We had a wonderful time teaching english and playing with the children. Kai gave a bible lesson on Paul at Lystra (where he heals a man and is stoned for it but lives by the grace of God). The parents seemed to have a lot of questions for the Pastor who was with us. Normally Pastor Takahashi is very busy but this week he has been available to help with any inquiries that the parents or children might have. This is one of the main goals we have in going to Japan, to get people beyond their preconceived notions about church by showing the results of the grace and love of God in our lives. It was very encouraging to see how many mothers were becoming curious about Christianity. Please pray that God uses us to draw many to Him.

Our craft today was a bottle-holder. The children really liked designing there own. In Japan it is common to have a drink at any given moment. They have vending machines scattered throughout the country much like Disneyland has them scattered through the park. In fact, i think there might be more vending machines per square foot in Japan than anywhere else on the planet. Anyway the kids loved this craft and began using the holders instantly.

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