Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Arrival and First Day

I have arrived safely in Japan on Monday evening. For those of you who do not know, Japan is 16 hours ahead of California, so I am writing from the future. Surprisingly the temperature is cooler hear than it was in LA. God has been very merciful to me for I have a severe allergic reaction to heat - it makes me sweat.

I am staying with the Yuki Family. They are a rare find in Japan, in that they are all Christian. I really enjoy their company.

On Tuesday the work began. I spent the better part of the day passing out flier for VBS. I basically wander to all of the nearby houses and apartments and put them in the mailboxes, as well as hand them directly to any of the children that I see. The VBS hear is called Joy English Club. The Japanese are not interested in christianity but they are interested in english. So we teach english at the VBS but we use the Bible as a text and for the english story time.

At the end of the day I met with my friend Jon who is a full-time missionary here in Japan. He is almost finished with language school and he will soon have to return to America to raise more support because of the falling American dollar and a general lowering in giving to overseas missions. Right now he is working finding the best area to start a new church. Please pray for Jon and his wife Maki, that God would supply the support necessary and that they would be a strong witness for the cause of Christ.


Fawn said...

You have my prayers.

Frank N said...

when do we get another update with pictures. =)